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🚛 Delivery Information

  • Orders within our delivery zone (Durham Region & Scarborough ) are delivered with a same-day guarantee in most of the cases within 2 hours. 
  • Orders placed before 9.45 pm are eligible for same-day delivery. You will be notified approximately 15-30 minutes prior to delivery, and your driver will also call you on arrival.

Please note: we do NOT guarantee ANY time frames regarding orders and due to our high volume of orders. Our drivers are required to wait no longer than 10 minutes for you to retrieve your order until your order will be deemed a NO SHOW and cancelled*

We encourage ALL first-time customers to read our FAQs before paying for your order, and to ensure your availability on the day of your delivery, or to ensure we have proper delivery instructions from you.

Misuse of our delivery service will result in a permanent ban from our website. Please ensure your address falls within our delivery zone to avoid losing your order.